With the successful completion of the new Level 13 RedHill campus in 2016, CIA Designs had the privilege of working again on Stage 2 which is the new Level 12 RedHill campus fitout. While RedHill Education as a business expands & grows, their identity evolves alongside their offerings. Our role as designers was to take these new additions and incorporate them into the space while maintaining their identity & a sense of consistency. For example, coffee making classes were newly introduced as a course in RedHill Education Centre, so we made the coffee machine station as a key design feature within the students’ breakout hub & also suitable for the multifunction events that take place within the space.
The continuity of successful design elements that were also incorporated into Level 12’s fitout such as meeting booths, docking station & computer working facility allow students to feel comfortable and able to conveniently collaborate with others in their learning environment. Following the completion of the briefing, concept design and design development, the broader CIA designs team built upon these solid space foundations to create a solution which would grow and evolve with the progressive nature of their education facility. The project was delivered successfully to meet the tight time schedules and set budget.